Unity Tutorial 09


                                                  Unity Tutorial 09

For this weeks Unity tutorial I've basically finished my game. I continued watching the tutorials on the channel I have been watching throughout the weeks I follow to tutorial the completed a lot of things in my game. For example I added a moving platform to my game so that the game has more difficulty this took quite a while but in the end I got it to work I used waypoints to do this. I also created an enemies and used waypoints to make them move forward and back or side to side. I then followed a tutorial and learned how to make the player die when you hit the enemy and also be able to jump on top of the enemy and kill it and make it disappear. This took a long time to but I did get it to work. I then made the game so when you die you respawn back at the same place you started. Another thing I did was when you fall off at a certain point you die and respawn at the original place. This week I did a lot of work and basically finished my game overall took around two and a half 30 minute tutorials but I got there in the end.


  1. Hello Luke, I really like your game idea I think implementing the moving platforms and enemies was a really good idea it makes the game fun and challenging. I also think that respawning at the original place you died would be a cool aspect. I look forward to seeing your final game.


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