Feedback Thoughts


                                                 Feedback Thoughts

While reading the articles I learn many things that I hadn't known before about feedback South diet and more it open my eyes as to why feedback is so important but also how to manage and progress when you might hear feedback or critiques you might like to hear. I learn different ways of getting rid of self-doubt when it comes to feedback and the creative field. For example try not compare yourself to other people. Often times comparing yourself is actually the culprit and not the solution to get rid of yourself that in most situations. So if you just let go and not care you end up taking more chances and start to do it because you enjoy it not because you want to be better than somebody else. Another thing to do with feedback and self-doubt is to not strive for perfection. Perfectionism can actually drive south doubt and only leads to you not living up to how are you see yourself. If you let perfectionism go it can lead to more learning. I also learned about getting rid of critical thoughts in your head about yourself when it comes to feedback. I learned how important it is that when getting feedback you amplify the positive part of it and don't fixate on the negative parts of it. That the positive feedback is just as if not more important than the negative feedback and are focusing on the positive can give you confidence and help your work. Another thing I learned is to love yourself to lean in and explore praise. And when it comes to praise think to yourself the last time you got it did you make excuses or not fully excepted and overall just allow compliments and praise to give you concrete evidence of what you're doing well and use that to amplify the positive. I found this very helpful as I tend to doubt myself sometimes and reading these articles it thought me to embrace positive things people say about me and use it to make me more positive with tasks  I do and for life in general.

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